Contact: Allison Matthews

STARKVILLE, Miss.--The new dean of Mississippi State University's College of Business will begin her role July 16, pending formal approval of the Board of Trustees, State Institutions of Higher Learning.
Sharon Oswald, management department head at Auburn University for 12 years and the Colonel George Privett Professor, has more than 20 years experience as a teacher and administrator, with special focus on strategic planning and management. Previously, she was administrative director and director of employment and development for an Alabama medical center.
Oswald holds a doctorate in business administration and an MBA from the University of Alabama. She also is an Auburn journalism graduate.
"Dr. Oswald has an outstanding record of scholarship and research and a strong dedication to undergraduate and graduate education, including international experience," said MSU Provost and Executive Vice President Jerry Gilbert.
Oswald has been a featured speaker on such topics as U.S. health care reform implementation, including at the U.S. ambassador's residence in Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic. Her most recently published work includes a 20-year chronicle of health care reform in the Czech Republic.
In addition to administrative and service activities, Oswald has been a strategic planning consultant and facilitator for numerous businesses and organizations. She has developed a series of 10 management training classes for medical center managers, among other accomplishments.
Formerly director/coordinator for the Southern Management Doctoral Consortium, she currently serves on the editorial boards for both The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business and the Journal of Management Studies. She is a member of the Academy of Management, Southern Management Association, Beta Gamma Sigma, Alpha Kappa Psi, and Sigma Iota Epsilon.
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