It is time for the annual "Best of MSU/Starkville" survey. Students get to once again decide what the best things are that MSU and Starkville have to offer, including Best MSU Tradition, Best Burger in Town, Best Place to Study on Campus, Best Professor, and many more. This is one of the biggest honors that the MSU student body bestows upon local businesses and the campus community.
The deadline to complete the survey and be entered in the $100 Walmart gift card drawing is Wednesday, March 9, at 5 p.m. The drawing for the gift card will be held on Friday, March 11, with the winner being notified via email.
To access the survey go to the onCampus Portal ( and enter NetID and NetPassword to login.
The onCampus Polling link will be located on the left-hand side under the main Banner tab. Simply click on this to start casting votes!
Thanks for making the "Best of MSU/Starkville" one of the best traditions on campus.