Alumni Delegates celebrate 30 years, name officers

Contact: Harriet Laird

MSU Alumni Delegate officers include, from left, Nnedi Ezeala-Harrison, secretary; Matt Stratton, vice president, education; Meg Swindoll, president; and Katie Landry, vice president, public relations.
MSU Alumni Delegate officers include, from left, Nnedi Ezeala-Harrison, secretary; Matt Stratton, vice president, education; Meg Swindoll, president; and Katie Landry, vice president, public relations.

STARKVILLE, Miss.--The Mississippi State University Alumni Delegates are celebrating their 30th anniversary this month.

Founded in 1980, Alumni Delegates serve as student liaisons between the university and its alumni. Their purpose is to improve the understanding of the role of the Alumni Association by educating and involving students in activities and events of the association.

The student branch of the Alumni Association has more than 40 members, and serves the campus and community by participating in a number of events. This year they worked on projects benefiting the Lamia Afghan Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, Montgomery Gardens, and Rolling Hills, among others. They also serve as the first point of contact for events such as the Alumni Association's football tailgate at home games, the annual awards banquet and leadership conference, class reunions, and events for national and chapter alumni leaders.

Beginning in 2011, the Delegate organization will be led by a new group of students. Incoming officers include:

--Nnedi Ezeala-Harrison, secretary, a junior biological sciences major. A native of Ridgeland, she is the daughter of Fidel and Agnes Ezeala.

--Matt Stratton, vice president, education, a senior industrial engineering major. A Tupelo native, he is the son of Janet and Lee Stratton.

--Meg Swindoll, president, a junior kinesiology major. She is the daughter of Arliss and Debbie Swindoll of Oxford.

--Katie Landry, vice president, public relations, a junior geosciences major. She is the daughter of Dianna and Steven Landry of Mandeville, La.

"For 30 years, the Alumni Delegates have done so much to assist our association and our university," said Jimmy Abraham, associate vice president for development and alumni and executive director of the MSU Alumni Association. "We are very proud of these students, and know our newly elected officers will do an excellent job leading this outstanding group in 2011."

For more information on the Alumni Delegates, please visit