Student Association sponsors food drive

The Student Association is having a food drive this week of Homecoming starting Wednesday, October 7th and going through Friday, October 9th benefiting the Stewpot.

The Stewpot canned food panty serves Jackson's homeless and people in need. In the recent months, they have experienced a 15 percent decrease in donations and a 30 percent increase in clients. If they are not able to get more donations, they will have to keep turning people away. If you can help donate any of the following items: canned food, cereal, flour, cornmeal, and peanut butter, your service would be greatly appreciated.

We will have marked boxes around campus where you can make your donations, as well as a table in the Union where you can get more information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Josh Shideler or Sarah Woodward, Co-Directors of Community Service for the Student Association.

Looking forward to a great Homecoming,

Your Student Association

Wed, 10/07/2009 - 00:00