MSU Libraries Exam Week/Holiday Hours

For exam week and Christmas break, MSU Libraries' hours of operation will see a few changes.

Mitchell Memorial Library is open now around the clock! Students may take advantage of these extended hours through Friday, December 5th, when the Library will close at 7:45pm. Hours for Saturday, December 6th, are 10:00am to 7:45pm. The extended exam hours will continue when the Library opens at 1:00pm on Sunday, December 7th, and closes at 4:45pm on Wednesday, December 10th.

For more information about Mitchell Memorial Library's hours of operation--including information about the post-exam week interim schedule--and for information on all of MSU Libraries' hours, please visit or contact Lyle Tate at 662-325-2559.

Thu, 12/04/2008 - 00:00