Volunteers needed for Service DAWGS project

This year groups within both Academic and Student Affairs have come together to host the First Annual Service DAWGS (Donating A Wonderful Gift of Service) Project on Monday, August 11, 2008.

Service DAWGS provides an opportunity for MSU students to volunteer in the local community. We are asking faculty and staff to contribute their time on that day so we can make a lifelong impression on our incoming freshmen about the way MSU values community service.

Volunteers will be asked to work from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on campus or in our nearby communities. All participants will receive an official Service DAWGS T-shirt and free BBQ lunch to thank you for your service.

Volunteers will be asked to help our students by helping with registration of student volunteers, serving lunch, or chaperoning a team of students at a community site.

To volunteer, please complete the volunteer application at: http://www.msstate.edu/org/campusoutreach/

For further information, please contact Dr. April Heiselt, Service-Learning Coordinator, at 662-325-7919 or aheiselt@colled.msstate.edu.

We appreciate your support and enthusiasm for community service and service-learning at Mississippi State University.

Mon, 08/04/2008 - 00:00