MSU coordinating central Study Abroad Office

Beginning in the fall of 2008, MSU students will have a new resource to consult when interested in study abroad opportunities. Molly Watkins, Manager of International Education for Academic Outreach and Continuing Education, will also be coordinating a central Study Abroad Office at MSU. The plan is to develop this office over the next year at the end of which time the office will be staffed with a full-time coordinator.

All units with study abroad programs at MSU are requested to register with Ms. Watkins so that MSU can have a single contact point for students seeking study abroad experiences. The centralized office will also be able to assist units seeking to develop study abroad programs and it will help ensure that all MSU programs are compliant with accepted study abroad practices.

You can reach Ms. Watkins at 325-2648 or The Study Abroad Office is located in room 104A of Memorial Hall.

The Study Abroad office reports to the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Tue, 07/22/2008 - 00:00