MSU administrator named to national continuing ed commission

Contact: Maridith Geuder

STARKVILLE, Miss.--The director of academic outreach and continuing education at Mississippi State is a new commissioner of the national association that serves the profession.

Mark Binkley is among four new members elected recently to the leadership and management group of the University Continuing Education Association, a Washington, D.C.-based organization representing public and private institutions, as well as nonprofit organizations.

He joins colleagues from the University of Akron, as well as Western Kentucky and Kansas State universities, for a three-year term of service.

At Mississippi State, Binkley oversees a division that provides distance learning opportunities through more than 30 study programs and 100 independent courses, and numerous non-credit courses, workshops, training events, and conferences.

Prior to assuming his current campus duties, Binkley served for 18 years in the university's geosciences department. In addition to helping establish the highly successful broadcast meteorology program, he also founded and directed the operational meteorology and geosciences teacher programs, both taught by distance learning.

Among numerous honors, Binkley was the first selection for the Outstanding Faculty Award of MSU's then-Division of Continuing Education. He also has received a campus Golden Key Teaching Award.

He holds an associate of science degree in meteorology from Western Kentucky University, along with a bachelor's from the University of Utah and a doctorate from Indiana State University, both in geography.

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