MSU music, English departments to honor poet Plath

Contact: Kenneth Billings

Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath

STARKVILLE, Miss.--A public recital Friday [Feb. 1] by faculty and students in Mississippi State's music department will pay tribute to 20th century American poet Sylvia Plath.

"The Poetry of Sylvia Plath in Song: A Collaboration of Poetry and Music" begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Bettersworth Auditorium in Giles Hall. Admission is free.

Organized in collaboration with the university's English department, the performance will feature pieces by American musical composers using Plath's works.

Plath (1932-63) was a Boston-born feminist poet, novelist and short-story writer who produced numerous books of both poetry and prose prior to her death. Of her works, only "The Colossus" was published in her lifetime. Her "Collected Poems" (1981) was awarded a Pulitzer Prize.

For more information about the recital, contact Karen Murphy at 662-325-3070.

Mon, 01/28/2008 - 00:00