New vision and mission statements adopted

A process that began 14 months ago with a campus-wide review has culminated with Board of Trustees approval of new vision and mission statements for Mississippi State. At its November meeting, the College Board endorsed the new statements proposed by the university:

  • The vision of Mississippi State University is to be the most respected land-grant institution in the region.
  • The mission of Mississippi State University is to educate the workforce and leaders of the future, produce robust research for our state and nation, and provide expert services to our citizens, communities and businesses.

The new statements, which are more concise than those previously in effect, should be used beginning immediately in official publications, websites, and wherever the university mission statement is cited.

IHL and MSU policy require a campus review of the mission statement every five years or upon the appointment of a new president. Accordingly, the existing MSU vision and mission statements, along with proposed modifications suggested President Robert Foglesong, were presented to the entire campus community in October 2006 and comments were received from faculty, staff, and students until December 2006.

Based on the comments from faculty, staff, administrators and students received during fall 2006, and incorporating several of those suggestions, the revised vision and mission statements were recommended to the Board of Trustees earlier this year.

The previous mission statement was adopted by the Board of Trustees in May 2004, along with those of other IHL institutions. A set of operating principles that expand and elaborate on the mission statement were adopted as well in 2004, and those have been retained, with inclusion of portions of the previous mission statement, for use in conjunction with the newly approved vision and mission statements.

The new vision and mission statements, along with the supporting operating principles, are on line at

Fri, 12/07/2007 - 00:00