Cyber Dawgs Logo Contest

Do you possess artistic skills? Are you creative? Do you have it in you to innovate when you are challenged? If so, enter the Logo contest sponsored by the College of Architecture, Art, and Design in collaboration with Cyber Dawgs, a Day One action team. The contest opens on October 11, 2007 (Thursday). The student with the winning logo will receive $250.00 and will be honored in front of a large audience and press on November 17, 2007 during the Henderson International Fest. This is an opportunity for you to be a part of Henderson and Starkville history and leave your legacy.

Henderson Intermediate School is a 6th grade public school from the Starkville School District. The school's mascot is the Yellow Jacket. They want to develop a logo for the school. Cyber Dawgs, as part of their community service project, are helping Henderson in their quest to build a creative logo that would capture Henderson's mission and vision. The logo must incorporate the school's mascot (Yellow Jacket) and the letter "H". Images of the yellow jacket are available through the link below.

If you have it in you to compete in a University wide logo contest, please register for the contest by e-mailing Justin Childs at The registration deadline is October 15, 2007, 5:00 p.m. All the contestants must submit their logo electronically by November 14, 2007 (Wednesday). The winner will be announced on November 17, 2007. All the registered contestants may attend the interest meeting with the school principal, students, and the representatives of Parent Teacher's Association on October 16, 2007 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Bettersworth Auditorium in Giles Architecture Building.

For more information on the contest please visit or contact Justin Childs (, Phone: 662-717-1234).

Fri, 10/12/2007 - 00:00