Volunteers needed for residence hall move-in day

The Department of Housing and Residence Life will be hosting "MVNU2MSU" Saturday, August 11, 2007. We are asking faculty, staff, student organizations, and returning students to volunteer their time so we can make a lifelong impression on our incoming students and make their new rooms their new homes. We also want to warmly welcome them to the MSU Family and the Bulldog Nation!

Volunteers will be asked to work at least an hour shift between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at a particular residence hall. All participants will receive the official MVNU2MSU t-shirt and nametag prior to that day to wear during their shift.

Volunteers will be asked to help our students move in by moving boxes of belongings, greeting guests, selling t-shirts, checking-in students, or working at an information table.

To obtain a Volunteer Application Form and view the Volunteer Agreement Policies, please visit http://www.housing.msstate.edu/mvnu2msu/ and click on the "Volunteer Opportunities" link.

All completed Volunteer Application Forms must be submitted to Mary Claire Cadenhead no later than Tuesday, July 31, at 5:00 PM.

Ms. Mary Claire Cadenhead
P.O. Box 9502
MSU, MS 39762
662-325-2867 (phone
662-325-4663 (fax)

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 00:00