Energy Conservation Measures For Spring Break

To continue the university's campaign to reduce energy costs, many energy using devices will be turned off or reduced during spring break. We encourage you to look for additional savings techniques and implement them.

The president has authorized departments to change working hours to take advantage of the daylight hours of operation. The University Police Department will provide escorts to those who request it after daylight hours. Employees may call MSU Police at 325-2121 to request an escort.

The lights in the following parking areas will be turned off beginning Friday, March 9, and extending through Sunday, March 18:

  • Between TK Martin and Petroleum Lab
  • South of Dorman greenhouse and new AgBio project
  • All south of Hand Lab lot
  • South of McCarthy Gym
  • Allen, west side only
  • Both tennis courts
  • The Junction
  • Herbert rear (gravel)
  • Cooley parking lot
  • Lower McKee and behind Central Plant
  • Band practice field
  • West of Evans
  • Amphitheatre
  • Stadium (underneath)
  • Bike Path except near Depot
  • Newell Grisham
  • Hill Poultry Science
  • McCain/Cobb
  • If no NIT tournament: Coliseum, Howell, Shira, Palmeiro, Soccer Field, and Hunter Henry

MSU Housing will address residence hall lots after determining the number of students staying over the break and reduce those lights where appropriate.

All five-globed lights will be turned off (except for residence hall entrances).

Classroom lighting and heating/cooling should be addressed by the appropriate building managers.

Please turn off lights, computers, lamps, and any other energy using devices as you leave the building. Facilities Management will implement temperature setbacks appropriate for holiday and evening settings during non-working hours for those buildings that are centrally controlled.

Thanks to all for the many individual efforts to help the university conserve energy use and avoid costs. Best wishes for a happy and safe Spring Holiday!

Mon, 03/05/2007 - 00:00