Faculty, staff and student surveys planned

Mississippi State will be seeking the views of thousands of students, faculty members, and staff in coming days to help identify opportunities to make the university stronger. Students and employees will be asked to participate in a short, web-based survey gauging the level of satisfaction with various aspects of university life and work. Faculty, staff and students will complete slightly different forms of a questionnaire that will cover topics including the work and classroom environments.

The survey, "How We See Ourselves: Faculty, Staff and Student Views of MSU," was commissioned by President Robert H. Foglesong. It will be administered and the data analyzed by MSU's Social Science Research Center. The survey is fully confidential and will take five to 10 minutes to complete. Participation is completely voluntary.

Early during the week of March 5, each regular employee and currently enrolled student should receive an email from SSRC including an embedded web address for the on-line survey. Just click on the embedded link to start the survey. If that fails, click the "Start Survey" button.

Tue, 02/27/2007 - 00:00