MISS MAROON AND WHITE WINNERS--Senior Delcenia R. Collins (c) is Mississippi State's Miss Maroon and White 2005. The Pine Bluff, Ark., resident was selected Thursday night [Oct. 13] from among 94 contestants for the designation as the university's most beautiful student. Named as Maroon and White Beauties were (from left) junior Makesha H. Busby of Brookhaven, sophomore Sara V. Powers of Lexington, sophomore Marylea Hooks of Starkville, and sophomore Jennifer R. Greer of Holly Springs.
Collins is an English major and the daughter of Bennie and Lazenie Collins [71601].
Busby is an electrical engineering major and the daughter of Bobby and Andrea Hatcher.
Powers is a human sciences/apparels, textiles and merchandising major and the daughter of Dale and Marcia Powers.
Hooks is a real estate and mortgage financing major and the daughter of Ralph and Beverly Hooks.
Greer is a communication/public relations major and the daughter of John Greer and Leanne Greer, both of Holly Springs.