Contact: Sammy McDavid
Students planning to enroll this year at Mississippi State are being encouraged to visit the university Feb. 13 for spring semester activities of "Discovery: MSU."
Organized by the Office of Enrollment Services, "Discovery" is the university's ongoing academic introductory program for prospective students.
"Invitations have been sent throughout the region to encourage prospective high school and community college graduates, along with their mothers and fathers, to take part in this very important day," said Bryan Nesbit, the office's associate director.
Nesbit said Discovery is designed to promote the easy interaction between visiting students and campus advisers and faculty members in the various fields of study. Staff members from the offices of admissions, campus housing, financial aid, cooperative education, and student organizations, among others, also will be on hand to provide information and answer questions.
Registration will be held 8-11 a.m. in the Colvard Union's second-floor lobby; a college fair and campus tours also take place during this time. General assemblies will begin at 9:30 and 11.
In addition to the information-sharing programs, spring Discovery includes a series of academic competitions for interested juniors and seniors in the subjects of American history, art, chemistry, foreign languages, mathematics, and physics.
Top scorers in art, history, chemistry, mathematics, and physics will receive university scholarships, plaques or other awards. Successful completion of the foreign language tests will provide up to eight hours of course credit in either French, German, Latin, or Spanish.
Prior to the concluding awards ceremony, students involved in the morning competitions will have an opportunity to tour campus housing.
For more information about the individual academic competitions, contact:
--Edmond Emplaincourt of foreign languages at (662) 325-3480;
--David Foote of history, 325-8912;
--Amy Massey of physics, 325-2159;
--Svein Saebo of chemistry, 325-3584;
--Linda Seckinger of art, 325-3023; or
--Vivien Miller or Kevin Knudson of mathematics, 325-7137 or 325-7146, respectively.
For additional information on spring "Discovery," contact the Office of Enrollment Services at (662) 325-3076 or