Contact: Maridith Geuder

Paul Geraci
A free Nov. 10 concert at Mississippi State features a faculty composer and several members of the university's music education department.
The work of instructor Paul Geraci will be highlighted during the 7:30 p.m. program in Dorman Hall auditorium. At MSU, the former Morristown, N.J., resident teaches music theory, orchestration and ear training, among other courses.
In addition to the trumpet, Geraci also will perform on electronic synthesizers and the didgeridoo--a handmade instrument found in Australian aboriginal cultures. He will be joined by departmental colleagues Sheri Falcone, tenor saxophone; Richard Human, trombone; Julie Maisel, flute; and Rosangela Sebba, piano.
The MSU Flute Choir also will participate.
Among program selections are "Fanfare for a Dying Age," "Blues on 12th," "So It Ends," "Beneath the Mist," "Ritual," "514 Quarts," and "The Summoning"--all original Geraci compositions.
He holds bachelor's degrees in music education and performance from George Mason University, and a master's in composition from Bowling Green State University. His doctorate in theory and composition was completed at Ball State University.
His orchestral work, "A Knight 'til Morning," recently was performed by the Muncie (Ind.) Symphony Orchestra.
For more information, telephone the music education department at (662) 325-3070.