MSU engineering student wins prestigious scholarship

Contact: Phil Hearn

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Harold S. Thompson III

Harold S. Thompson III

A Mississippi State mechanical engineering major from Decatur, Ala., is among 38 nationwide recipients of prestigious 2003-2004 Tau Beta Pi Senior Scholarships.

Harold S. Thompson III, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson Jr., is a President's Scholar at the university.

Founded at Lehigh University in 1885, Tau Beta Pi is the world's largest engineering society. The organization's Fellowship Board recently announced the selection of 38 scholars from among 234 applicants for undergraduate study during the 2003-04 school year.

Each receiving $2,000 for the senior year of engineering study, Tau Beta Pi Scholars are selected on the basis of high academic achievement, campus leadership and service, and promise of future contributions to the engineering profession. All must be members of the society.

Wed, 05/14/2003 - 00:00