U.S. Senate records-keeper to launch latest Collins' lectures at MSU

Contact: Sammy McDavid

The historian of the United States Senate is the first speaker for the 2002-03 Morris Collins Speaker Series at Mississippi State University.

Richard Baker will discuss the work of his office Oct. 31 during a 3 p.m. public program in the John Grisham Room of Mitchell Memorial Library.

Named for the first director of MSU's John C. Stennis Institute of Government, the annual lecture program is sponsored jointly by the MSU Libraries' Congressional and Political Research Center, the Stennis Institute and the student John C. Stennis-G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery Association.

Baker, who holds a doctorate from the University of Maryland, has written numerous articles related to congressional history. He also is the author of two books, "Conservation Politics: The Senate Career of Clinton P. Anderson" and "The Senate of the United States: A Bicentennial History."

Baker has led the nine-member office since it was created in 1975. In addition to collecting and disseminating historical information, he and his colleagues regularly advise senators, their committee and their staff members on record preservation and related matters.

For additional information on the program, telephone (662) 325-7669 or 325-3328.