MSU students invited to submit entries in annual writing contest

Contact: Maridith Geuder

All students enrolled in bachelor's level courses at Mississippi State University are being invited to test their literary skills in the English department's annual writing contest.

Dec. 5. is the deadline for submission of short stories, poems, informal or formal essays, and one-act plays not previously published. Entries may be left at the departmental office, 316 Lee Hall.

Winning entrants will advance to regional competition sponsored by the Southern Literary Festival.

Specific requirements for each literary form include:

--Essays, short stories and plays no longer than 5,000 words.

--Poetry no longer than 100 lines, either for a single poem or a group of related poems.

--The submission of two copies of each entry, with copy doubled-spaced on one side of the page only.

For more information and additional contest details, telephone Richard Lyons, director of creative writing, at (662) 325-2362.