Based on her past specialized studies of bacteria, Mississippi State University graduate student Mary M. Wade is receiving a 2001 grant from the Sigma Xi international research society.
A proposal by the former Nettleton resident is among some 300 selected recently for funding this year. Nearly 1,000 research proposals were submitted last year by young scientists worldwide.
Wade, a doctoral candidate in microbiology, will use her $525 award to continue an investigation of capsules that form a protective barrier around some types of bacteria. The capsules enhance the ability of bacteria to cause disease by making it difficult for a host organism's immune system to destroy them.
Sigma Xi is a 115-year-old professional organization currently representing 75,000 scientists and engineers. Its Grants-in-Aid-of-Research Program was created to foster original investigation by young scientists in all areas of science and engineering.
Wade is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dabbs and a 1993 Nettleton High School graduate. She received a bachelor's degree in 1997 from the University of Mississippi.