Contact: Sammy McDavid
.-"Census 2000 in Mississippi" is the theme for the 1999 meeting of collegiate academic advisers.
Some 75 or more student counselors from the state's senior and community colleges are expected to gather Nov. 12 for the daylong program at the Holmes Community College branch campus in Ridgeland.
Oct. 29 is the registration deadline.
Organized by HCC and Mississippi State University, this year's program will feature keynote presentations by Jim Hood, senior analyst for the state Board of Trustees, Institutions of Higher Learning, and Sue Suatermeister, Gov. Kirk Fordice's liaison to Census 2000 national promotional effort.
In addition to reviewing how Mississippi is working to encourage participation in the headcount, the speakers will discuss the importance of college populations to the process.
For more information on the program, contact Lanna Miller of MSU at telephone (662) 325-1631; e-mail .
For additional information on registration, contact Elaine Reed, also of MSU, at 325-7092; e-mail