Enhancing educational access topic of Thursday program

Contact: Sammy McDavid

A statewide videoconference Thursday [Sept. 24] will examine ways to increase access to education.

The 1:30 p.m. public program is part of a series being sponsored by the state Board of Trustees, Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi Humanities Council. William F. Fulkerson, president of the State Colleges of Denver, Colo., will open with an address on the theme "What Affects Access to Higher Education."

Mississippi State University is providing one of six state sites where educators and interested members of the public can hear Fulkerson's remarks and follow-up discussions. On the Starkville campus, the broadcast may be seen in the interactive classroom at 255 Allen Hall.

Originating from the Research and Education Center in Jackson, the broadcast also will be available at Alcorn State, Jackson State, Mississippi University for Women, Mississippi Valley State, and University of Mississippi. At each location, a panel will be assembled to respond to Fulkerson's presentation.

With Melanie Hutto as moderator, the Mississippi State/Starkville Public School panelists will include Jimmy Abraham, Larry Anderson, Joan Butler, Anita George, Sandra Harpole, Randy L'Hommedieu, Linda Jones, Tilda Neal, Raygene Paige, and Ann Stevenson.

For additional information on the MSU conference site, telephone Joe Ray Underwood at (601) 325-7925/3426.

Additional information on the overall conference and lecture series can be obtained by telephoning Pam Meyer at the IHL office, (601) 982-6493.