Fall Networking Luncheon to feature brown bags, discussions

Contact: Kay Fike Jones

In an effort to focus on the "working" part of "networking," the annual Fall Women's Networking Luncheon at Mississippi State University will feature the first brown-bag lunch, followed by roundtable discussions of campus concerns.

This year's luncheon is scheduled for Nov. 12, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., in the Colvard Union ballroom.

In addition to the "bring-your-own" lunches, the sponsoring President's Commission on the Status of Women will furnish raw vegetable trays, dessert, soft drinks, and tea. Door prizes are on the agenda, too.

To get the conversation ball rolling, Barbara Spencer, professor and director of graduate studies in business, will speak on "The Power of Networking." Following her brief talk, the luncheon becomes a planning and working session.

"We want to hear from the people at the luncheon--and not just women--to celebrate their successes, find out their concerns and discuss the campus climate for women and women's issues," said Linda Southward, PCSW chair.

Besides voicing concerns, participants will plan for the celebration of women's month in March.

Southward said the luncheon also is a good place to review the purposes of PCSW.

"We want the university community to inform us on the direction PCSW should go," she said.

The commission was created in the 1970s to advise the president on issues affecting the status and role of women on campus; conduct, sponsor or encourage appropriate studies regarding the status and role of women; sponsor informational and educational programs; serve as an organization representing individual or group concerns of women on campus; work with other university organizations in improving the campus climate and condition for women; and recognize achievements of women through an annual recognition program.

A facilitator at each table will provide the commission with a concensus of discussions. Anyone wishing to act as a facilitator should contact Webb Flowers at 325-1078 or Ginger Cater at 325-1008.

While there will be no charge for the refreshments PCSW is providing, advance registration is required. Persons planning to attend are asked to RSVP to any of the following people by Nov. 5: Sheila Coleman, (601) 325-0831; Karon Makamson, 325-2251; Wanda Thorne, 325-1736; or Roxana Weber, Starkville Area Chamber of Commerce, 323-5783.

For more information, contact Flowers or Southward at 325-7889.