'Campus Sweep' to promote a cleaner campus

Contact: Kay Fike Jones

Mississippi State faculty, staff and students are being called on to provide the muscle Oct. 9 and 10 for the university's first widespread clean-up effort.

With the goal of improving the institution's overall appearance, the Campus Beautification Committee is sponsoring "Campus Sweep." Broken into five two-hour increments, the daylong program will involve painting and trash pickup by volunteers.

"'Campus Sweep' is designed to improve the litter problem and instill pride in the way our campus looks," said committee chair Robyn Remotigue.

Divided into work areas, the sweep will concentrate on the central campus area. The first 500 volunteers will receive a free T-shirt.

"With numerous trash teams, we hope not only to remove all litter and cigarette butts from campus, but also to evoke an awareness of this problem throughout the campus community," Remotigue explained.

She said the committee is seeking funding for more frequent trash pickups and a custodial liaison for each building. For its part, the university's custodial services will extend its duties to entrances and exits of buildings, she added.

In case of rain, the effort will be rescheduled for Oct. 16 and 17.

For more information, contact Remotigue at (601) 325-3994.