Contact: Sammy McDavid
Where has the summer gone? For students, faculty and staff at Mississippi State University, the vacation season officially ends in less than a month.
Fall semester classes on the Starkville campus begin at 8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 18.
Then, for seniors and others graduating at semester's end, only 115 days will remain before their 10 a.m. appointment on Dec. 12 with commencement robes, mortarboard tassels and diplomas in Humphrey Coliseum.
Other major academic- and alumni-related dates for the first phase of Mississippi State's 1997-98 school year include:
Aug. 10, campus housing opens at 10 a.m.
Aug. 14 and 15, final registration for fall semester classes.
Sept. 1, Labor Day holiday [university closed].
Sept. 27, Scholars' Recognition Day for top high school seniors, held in conjunction with the Mississippi State-University of South Carolina football game.
Oct. 11, "Discovery Day" for prospective students, held in conjunction with the Northeast Louisiana football game.
Oct. 25, Homecoming, held in conjunction with the University of Central Florida football game.
Nov. 27-28, Thanksgiving holidays [university closed].
Dec. 5, last day for beginning freshmen and transfer students to apply for 1998 spring semester admission.
New student orientation for the 1998 spring semester will be held Jan. 5, with classes beginning on the 7th. Spring commencement exercises will be May 9.
New student registration information for the fall and spring can be obtained in 112 Allen Hall or by telephoning (601) 325-2662.