Department heads complete training

Contact: Mike Richardson

Eighteen academic administrators are graduates of the first Department Heads Enrichment and Enhancement Program at Mississippi State University.

The university's PRO-MISS Institute of Leadership coordinated the year-long training program.

Monthly sessions focused on areas of the administrative process, including managing versus leading, vision, personality types, listening and decision-making skills, understanding conflict, and the budgeting and legislative processes.

The group also took part in a special two-day session in Jackson to meet with legislators and state leaders.

Three class members received special recognition. They included department heads Clarence Collison of entomology and plant pathology and Rodney Piercey of physics and astronomy, as well as Graham Purchase, research director for the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Others participating were John Boyle, biochemistry and molecular biology; Larry Brown, industrial engineering; Robert Boling, health education, recreation and sport; Douglas Feig, political science; Jerry Gilbert, agricultural and biological engineering; Shirley Hastings, School of Human Sciences; S.W. Jack, veterinary aquatic medicine; Roy Montgomery, veterinary research; Henry Nash, business and industry; Douglas Richards, forestry; Joseph Sherrard, civil engineering; Robert Taylor, mechanical engineering; and Walter Taylor, agricultural education and experimental statistics.

Coordinator Jean Reeves said the program is designed primarily for department heads because "they are at the cutting edge for what takes place within the university. They are links between the faculty and the administration."

PRO-MISS will hold a second program in September, she added.