Business faculty member part of tour

Contact: Sammy McDavid

A Mississippi State professor is among a group of national business faculty members and administrators currently on a two-week tour of Japan.

J.P. Shim, a John Grisham Faculty Excellence Award winner and authority on business information systems, is one of 14 making the 1997 Japan Study Tour at the invitation of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business.

The Keizai Koho Center, a leading Japanese business organization, also is sponsoring the visit by American deans and faculty members with companies, universities and government agencies on the island nation that is one of the world's economic powers.

The tour includes discussions with top business managers and university leaders, as well as a session with the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan.

Shim, who holds a doctorate from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, is the co-author of several books and author of numerous journal articles on information technology.

He is responsible for bringing more than 250 business executives from his native South Korea to Mississippi for executive training programs over the past six years.