Display to have eyes, ears popping

"Wow!" and "How much is that?" likely will be among overheard phrases at Mississippi State March 18 as the university sponsors a presentation technology showcase.

Though organized by the Division of Continuing Education for the benefit of the campus community, the event is open to all interested members of the general public.

The exhibition will take place 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Bost Extension Center auditorium and theater. Representatives of more than 40 commercial projection systems will be on hand to demonstrate audio systems, projectors, digital imaging, video presenters, videoconferencing, and other electronic communications technologies.

NEC, Sharp, Apollo, Hitachi, Panasonic, and Sony will be among companies represented.

Also available will be three sessions providing the latest tips on buying, installing and using the technology.

Though admission to the showcase is free, advance registration is required. March 13 is the enrollment deadline.

Registration can be accomplished either by telephone at (601) 325- 2693, fax at 325-8652, electronic mail at kolivieri@ce.msstate.edu, or Internet at http://www.smc.msstate.edu/showcase.register.html.

For more information on the presentations, telephone Carl Zitta at (601) 325-7792 or Wendell Williams at 325-1488.