Leading hazing opponent to speak

The founder of a national program to eradicate hazing will bring her cause to Mississippi State University Feb. 19.

Eileen Stevens has fought against practices of physical and mental harassment since the 1978 death of her son in a fraternity hazing incident at Alfred (N.Y.) University. In dealing with the tragedy, the New York parent started the Committee to Halt Useless College Killings, whose acronym--CHUCK--was the name of her late son.

The public program featuring Stevens begins at 7 p.m. in Lee Hall Auditorium.

To date, she has lectured at more than 600 campuses and spoken at numerous national fraternity meetings in efforts to bring about an awareness of hazing's dangers. She also has worked tirelessly to prompt legislative action to deter abuses.

Stevens has received several awards for her work, including an honorary doctorate in 1995 from St. Lawrence University in Canton, N.Y.

Her visit to Mississippi State is jointly sponsored by the Interfraternity and Panhellenic councils and Holmes Cultural Diversity Center, along with Alpha Tau Omega and Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fraternities.

For more information, contact Todd Borst, assistant director of student life, at (601) 325-3322.