Special course in tax preparation, planning offered

Four workshops on agricultural tax issues and related matters are being held this month at three locations in Mississippi and one in Louisiana.

Designed for farm producers, the program will provide instruction on tax return preparation, as well as tax planning suggestions.

Sponsored by the Division of Business Services at Mississippi State University, the 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m. sessions begin Dec. 16 at the Holiday Inn Atrium in Monroe, La. Successive sessions will take place:

Dec. 17 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Jackson,

Dec. 18 on the Delta State University campus in Cleveland, and

Dec. 19 on the Mississippi State campus.

Zoel Daughtrey, the Tenneco Professor in Accounting in Mississippi State's College of Business and Industry, will lead the program at each location.

For complete information, contact Jere Mangum at (601) 325-1894.