Bulldog Slamboree: MSU Softball vs. Mississippi Valley State


About this event

Join Coach Vann Stuedeman and her Mississippi State Bulldogs as they take on the Mississippi Valley State University Delta Devilettes in the Bulldog Slamboree at Nusz Park! Admission is free. Free gift cards and prizes will be given away throughout the game. Hail State Rewards members (HailState.com/rewards) can receive up to 225 points for attendance, and Bully's Kids Club members (www.BullysKidsClub.com) will receive 150 points. Bulldog Softball is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @HailStateSB. Find all-access coverage of the program on Snapchat by searching for “HailStateSnap.” Hail State and Go Dawgs!


Nusz Park - Mississippi State, MS 39762
Primary Sponsoring Organization
Department of Athletics
Contact Name
Rhett Hobart
Contact Phone
Additional Information
If you require special assistance relating to a disability, email marketing@athletics.msstate.edu.