MSU Christian Faculty-Staff Forum presents 'Why Intelligent, Educated People Can Be Christians'

September 14, 2016 - 12:00 pm

About this event

MSU Christian Faculty-Staff Forum invites interested individuals to come hear from Andrzej Zabolotny, who will speak on the topic, “Why Intelligent, Educated People Can Be Christians.” In 1982, Zabolotny graduated in computer science from Poland's Jagiellonian University, where he taught math for eight years. Together with his wife, he joined Campus Crusade for Christ’s (CRU) staff in 1988. He co-founded the Polish Christian Faculty Forum in 2001 and serves as the current president. His main field of interest is philosophy of science and religion, especially the role of naturalism in science. All are welcome to attend and bring lunch to the lecture. Please send RSVP to if you plan to attend.


Lloyd-Ricks-Watson Building - Room 210
Primary Sponsoring Organization
MSU Christian Faculty-Staff Forum
Contact Name
Tommy Phillips
Contact Phone
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