@CollegeofEd_MSU Research Forum

April 19, 2016 - 9:00 am

About this event

Members of the Mississippi State and local communities are invited to attend the College of Education's ninth annual research forum. The forum will focus on creating and sustaining successful partnerships with research. Faculty members who would like to bring their classes are asked to encourage their students to register. Those who are attending the forum and not participating in the competitions need to register as well. Those who need assistance with their poster equipment or supplies are asked to please contact Tiffany Middleton at 662-325-7052 or tmiddleton@colled.msstate.edu. Click the "Link" below for more information and to register for the forum.


The Mill at MSU Conference Center, 600 Russell St. in Starkville
Primary Sponsoring Organization
MSU College of Education
Contact Name
Tiffany Middleton
Contact Phone