About this event
The funding rate for grant applications from the National Institutes of Health is frighteningly low, and this has caused some faculty members to decide that it is not worth the time and effort to apply. Another tendency that is driven by the funding rate is hesitation to submit until the application is “perfect.” While recently serving on an NIH Review Panel, Stephen Pruett, professor and head of the Mississippi State College of Veterinary Medicine's Department of Basic Sciences, has observed some characteristics of grant applications that were successful, and he is going to discuss those characteristics. In addition, evidence points to the importance of not just writing a good application based on a good idea, but also putting together the “whole package.” Pruett will talk about the elements of the "whole package." Topics include fellowships, R15, R03, and R21 Grants, R01 grants and Center Grants, and if time permits, U01 and COBRE. Click the "Link" below to register. You must have an MSU ID to register for the following seminars online. If you do not have a net ID and would like to attend, please call Lynn Taylor at (662) 325-3168 or email ltaylor@research.msstate.edu to sign up. Follow the Office of Research and Economic Development onfacebook.com/maroonresearch and twitter.com/maroonresearch.